In this inaugural blog of this new website I would like to introduce the vast scope of topics that one might find addressed in the blogs to be written over the coming years. These subjects fall into what I have come to call “Edredean” interests.
These are: Rûna—Mystery, Indo-European, Germanic, Celtic, Iranian Religion, Myth, Folklore and Symbolic Culture : Retribalization : Life, Works and Ideas of Georges Dumézil, Ernst Schertel, Johan Bure, Fidus, Gregor A. Gregorius, Hanussen, Anton LaVey, Lanz von Liebenfels, Hanns Heinz Ewers, H.P. Lovecraft, G.I. Gurdjieff, Robert E. Howard, Guido von List, Ferdinand von Sebaldt, Michael A. Aquino, Edgar Polomé, Operative and Symbolic Values of Writing Systems: Germanic (Runes), Ogham, Roman Letters, Greek Letters, Perso-Arabic Letters, Old Persian Cuneiform, Avestan Script, Egyptian Hieroglyphics Runology both Symbolic and Academic : Revivals: Germanic, Celtic, Indo-European : Icelandic Magic in Theory and Practice : Survival of Germanic and Celtic Culture in Christian Times : Medieval Icelandic, German, Anglo-Saxon and Old Irish Literature : Japanese Kotodama : Weimar and Viennese Culture : Left-Hand Path Studies : Theory of Magic : Theory of Religion : Germanic Themes in Films : Horror Films 1900-1975 : Science Fiction Films 1900-1969 : Iranian Culture: Scythians and Sarmatians : Zoroastrianism : Mazdan Religion : Iranian Magic : Hermeticism : Gnosis : Pragmatic Magic in Theory and Practice.
This list does not exhaust my interests, as you may see excerpts from my Memoire or musings on the (lost) art of professional wrestling! The blog will always have announcements about new books, reviews and updates on old projects and a steady diet of surprises.